Bnai Mitzvah Birthday Club Program FACTS
(6th and 7th Graders)

Q: What is the Bar & Bat Mitzvah Birthday Club program?
A: A monthly birthday party where the children from Friendship Circle celebrate their birthdays at an awesome party together with Bar & Bat mitzvah friends. The parties take place at various exciting venues around the county. All FC participants are invited to ALL the parties, we highlight the birthdays of the month.

Q: What is the requirement?
A: Volunteer as often as you are able (there is no minimum requirement), come on time, give the kids a great time and have fun while doing it! (you must be signed up as a volunteer)

Q: When are the birthday parties held?
A: Birthday party dates and times are listed on the Friendship Circle website. All parties take place on Sunday and most are held between 1:00-3:00pm. Volunteers are asked to arrive 15 minutes early.

Q: How do I sign up to volunteer for a party?
A: One week to 10 days before each party parents will receive an email with a link to a form with all the party details and slots to sign up. Use the comment box if there is a particular friend or buddy you would like to be paired with and we will do our best to make it happen.  (again you must be registered as a volunteer in order to get these notifications)

Q: What happens at the party?
A: Bar & Bat Mitzvah Volunteers come 15 minutes before participants to find out who their buddy will be and what we will be doing at the given venue. Volunteers will be given an information card to read which will help them understand their given buddy. Info cards will be returned to FC staff before the party begins. FC staff are constantly present to assist in any way needed.

Q: Do you get SSL hours or community service hours?
A: Yes, click HERE for details

*Party Extras: At every birthday party we will have cupcakes or cookies, drinks and of course goodie bags! Please let us know if you can help by donating any of these items. After all what’s a birthday party without a treat and something sweet!

There is NO texting or using your cell phone while you are with your buddy. We have this rule in place so that you can connect with your buddy and have a great time together.