Volunteer's Information Full Name* First Name Last Name Gender* MaleFemale E-mail* Cell Number* Area Code Phone Number School* Grade* 8th9th10th11th12th Please indicate any information which may have changed since last year i.e. mailing address etc... Programs I'm interested in volunteering for the following programs:* Friends at Home - once a week throughout the school yearTorah CircleHoliday Programs - seasonal Parental Permission I hereby give my son/daughter permission to participate in Friendship Circle programs.* Consent I permit my son/daughter's photo to be used for publicity purposes.* Consent I hereby release the Friendship Circle, its providers and administrators from ALL liability resulting from any incident which affects the health, welfare or safety of my child while participating in a Friendship Circle program for the year 2024-25* Consent Comments Should be Empty: Submit This page uses TLS encryption to keep your data secure.